Handbook for Inclusive Digital Education
Digital learning environments bring with them their own unique set of demands, challenges and opportunities in relation to diversity and inclusion. This handbook describes these specific challenges and opportunities, and offers concrete tools on how to facilitate inclusive digital learning environments. The specificity of offline and online learning call for course designs that employ offline and/or online learning methods in deliberate ways.
In this report we describe the challenges and opportunities of technology use in education in relation to diversity and equity. This results in concrete guidelines that support teachers make their online or blended courses more inclusive.
- Why inclusive online education? We describe the need for developing inclusive (online) education (Chapter 1)
- How to practice inclusive online education? We unpack the various aspects of inclusive online education, based on the ‘pedagogical triangle’ and the ‘TPACK model’, which we expanded into the I-TPACK model (Inclusion-TPACK).
- What to do? Five guidelines for inclusive online education:
- Guideline 1. Awareness and continuous self-reflection
- Guideline 2. Know and adapt to the needs of students
- Guideline 3. Diversify pedagogical practices and ensure accessibility of the course(learning goals, feedback and assessment, delivery methods, course organisation)
- Guideline 4. Diversify content
- Guideline 5. Create an inclusive learning climate (belonging and agency)
The report as it is now is a work in progress document. Towards the end of the project we shall present an updated version that will reflect the work and findings from other Intellectual Outputs.